Powder Measurement, Flow Powder detector, Barrier Switch, Dust Monitor, powder flow meter
Powder Measurement :
Detection of caused by dust level dust collector bag breakage or leak
Concentration measurement range : 0 mg/ ¥ ^ 1000 mg/ ¥
Gas flow rate : 4.0 m/ s or greater
Output signal : 4 to 20 mADC ( 500© )
Contact output : 2 NO/ NC contact for upper limit alarm,
1 NONC contact for fault alarm
Dust Monitor continuously measures for 24 h the dust in exhaust gas at the secondary side of a dust collector or the like and outputs the alarm signal at the abnormal condition and monitors the relative variation of dust amount with an analog signal. It detects the triboelectric charge of dust hitting the sensor probe and make outputs relative to the dust amount. Dust Monitor can be easily mounted on the existing facility to facilitate environmental management.
For detection of dust collector, bag breakage/ leakage
- Detection concentration : 0 mg/ ¥ ^ 1000 mg/ ¥
- Flow temperature : Max.400
- Flow rate : 4.0m/ s or higher
- Output signal : 4 to 20mA DC( 500©
- Contact output : 2C for upper limit alarm, 1C for fault alarm
Dust Monitor for High-Temperature Applications, with special structure, measures for 24h the dust in high-temperature exhaust gas at the secondary side of a dust collector etc and outputs the alarm signal at the abnormal condition and monitors the relative variation of dust amount with an analog signal.
The easy installation on the existing facility can facilitate environmental management.
The measurement of the process temperature max.400 is possible and the prefect domestic production realizes the stable supply.
3. Dust Switch
For detection of broken bag of compact dust collector
- Particle size : 0.3 micrometer of higher
- Velocity : 4.0 m/ s or higher
- Output signal : open collector output ( NPN)
DUST SWITCH continuously monitors for 24 hours the filter condition of the general-use compact dust collector. It can quickly detect a very small amount of dust at the abnormality and make the dust leakage known. As well as DUST MONITOR, it detects the triboelectric charge of dust hitting the detection probe. DUST SWITCH is working environment protection sensor and can be easily installed on the existing facility.
Point Level Detection
Non-Contact Movement Detection Sensor
Setting range : Max. 1.5m
Frequency : 24GHz band
Allowable pressure : approx. ± 980 kPa ( 9kgf/ cm2) or below
Microwave Flow Switch, applying the principle of Doppler Effect, is a flow detection sensor for bulk solid/ powder applicable to various application like flow monitoring of pneumatic feeding line, plugged chute detecton, etc... High performance in flow and plugged detection for dry powder. Hardly influenced by adhesion or dust because of high permeability microwave system. Self-diagnosis function automatically detecting decrease of sensitivity. Digital circuit system preventing set value from drifting. Withstanding pressure ability up to ± 980kPa internal- pressure in pipe.
Monitoring the relative flow rate balance of multi-branched piping system
- Measurement principle : Microwave method
- Measurement frequency : 24.15 GHz
- Accuracy of repeatability : ± 5%
- Pipe diameter : 200 mm or below
he Microwave Flow Monitor is a solid flow sensor with the microwavetechnology. It can monitor the relative balance of flow rates in multiple branchpipes divided from a main pipe and since the total flow rate of branch pipes and the one of amain pipe are monitored, it is possible to check the balance of flow rate and control theflow rate. Also it can be applied to various solids and since there is no protrusioninside pipe, no clogging will occur. Further it can be used for the various applications such as a combustionboiler, a blending bin and a distribution system.
6. POWDER FLOW METER ( Solid Flow / Dens Flow)
Continuous in line monitoring of powder flow rate
Priciple Measurement :
- Solid Flow: microwave method
- Dens Flow: capacitance method
Frequency Measurement :
- Solid Flow: 24 GHz
- Dens Flow: 100 kHz
Accuracy : ± 2 to 5% ( Measurement span)
Allowable temperature : Object temperature: -20� C to + 80� C
The SolidFlow is a measuring system specifically developed to measure the flow rate of powder and bulk solids through piping. The latest microwave technology is applied to enable continuous and highly accurate measurement of powder and bulk solids. The SolidFlow is particularly effective for measurement of low concentration flows and the DensFlow for high concentration flows.
http: / / flowiratama.com
owder Measurement, Flow Powder detector, Barrier Switch, Dust Monitor, powder flow meter